Catherine Duclos, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor (2022- )
Department of anesthesiology and pain medicine, Université de Montréal
Department of Neurosciences, Université de Montréal
Postdoctoral fellowship in computational neurosciences computationnelles and consciousness (McGill University)
Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences (Université de Montréal)
M.Sc. in biomedical sciences (Université de Montréal) – direct passage to Ph.D.
Honours B.A. in Anthropology (McGill University)
Research interests
To characterize the functional neural networks of different states of consciousness (e.g. anesthesia, sleep, coma, delirium, disorders of consciousness) and to understand how these networks can be modulated in order to improve the cognitive and functional health of patients in surgical and critical care.
Methodological approaches
Electroencephalography, functional connectivity, graph theory, pharmacological neuromodulation, closed-loop neuromodulation.
Quebec Bio-Imaging Network – Pilot Projects
Amount: 20 000 CAD
Role: Co-investigator
Title: Identification of EEG biomarkers of Post COVID-19 Condition Symptoms
Years: 2022-2023
Canadian Foundation for Innovation – John-R.-Evans Leaders Fund
Role: Principal investigator
Title: Electrophysiological infrastructure for the characterization and modulation of human consciousness
Year: 2023
CIFAR Azrieli Global Scholars Program
Amount : 100 000 CAD
Role: Principal investigator
Title: Programme des chercheures mondiaux CIFAR Azrieli / CIFAR Azrieli Global Scholars Program
Years: 2023-2025
Canadian Anesthesiologists’ Society – New Investigators Operating Grant
Amount: 30 000 CAD
Role: Principal investigator
Title: Characterizing the effect of nociception on whole-brain functional connectivity markers of consciousness during general anesthesia
Years: 2023-2025
University of Montreal’s Anesthesiology Development Fund 2023
Amount: 25 000 CAD
Role: Principal investigator
Title: Characterizing the effect of nociception on whole-brain functional connectivity markers of consciousness during general anesthesia
Years: 2023-2025
American Academy of Sleep Medicine – AASM Foundation 2023 Strategic Research Grant
Amount: 250 000 USD
Role: Co-investigator
Title: The Snooz toolbox: transforming sleep medicine through in-depth polysomnographic analyses
American Academy of Sleep Medicine – AASM Foundation 2023 Strategic Research Grant
Years: 2023-2026
CIFAR Global Scholars Catalyst Grant
Amount: 50 000 CAD
Role: Principal investigator
Title: When social cognition remains: identifying consciousness capacity from multi-brain recordings in unresponsive individuals
Years: 2023-2025
CIFAR Global Scholars Catalyst Grant
Amount: 50 000 CAD
Role: Co-investigator
Title: Definition of consciousness perceived by different research fields
Years: 2023-2025
International Anesthesia Research Society – Mentored Research Award
Amount: 175 000 USD
Role: Principal investigator
Title: Using anesthesia to predict recovery from disorders of consciousness
Years: 2021-2023
CRSNG Découverte / NSERC Discovery
Amount: 195 000 CAD
Role: Principal investigator
Title: Developing neurocomputational tools for the prediction and modulation of consciousness
Years: 2022-2027
Healthy Brains for Healthy Lives Neuro Commercialization Grant – IGNITE
Amount: 50 000 CAD
Role: Co-principal investigator
Title: The Adaptive Reconfiguration Index: A Novel Tool for Prognosticating Recovery in Unresponsive Patients
Years: 2022
New Frontiers in Research - Exploration Fund
Amount: 250 000 CAD
Role: Co-investigator
Title: Reconnecting the severely injured brain using an individually-tailored, non-invasive stimulation protocol targeting preserved brain networks
Years: 2022-2024
Brain Canada Foundation – Future Leaders in Canadian Brain Research
Amount : 100 000 CAD
Role: Principal investigator
Title : Modulating consciousness during anesthesia using a non-pharmacological
Years: 2022-2024
Canadian Institutes of Health Research – Project Grant
Amount : 1.1M CAD
Role: Co-principal investigator
Title: A point-of-care neurophysiological index of recovery from coma in the intensive care unit
Years: 2022-2027
Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santé (FRQS) – Junior 1 Research Scholars Award + Starting Grant for New Investigators
Amount : 305,000 CAD
Role: Principal investigator
Title : A clinical and neurocomputational approach to the prognostication and modulation of consciousness in critical and surgical care.
Years: 2022-2026
My team

Karine Lacourse, Ing., M.Sc.
Software Developer

David Lévesque, Ing.
Software Developer

Hanieh Bazregarzadeh, M.Sc.
Ingénieure et développeuse logiciel

Guillermo Martinez-Villar
M.Sc. candidate

Charles Gervais
B.Sc. Honours candidate

Rosalie Girard-Pépin, B.Sc.
M.Sc. candidate

Maya de Sulzer Wart, B.Sc.
M.Sc. candidate

Rose Jutras, B.Sc.
M.Sc. candidate

Naomie Lussier
Honours B.Sc. candidate

Antonio Martin, Ph.D.
Research Coordinator

Clara Roca, B.Sc.
M.Sc. candidate

Joaquim Streicher, M.Sc.
Research Assistant

Ivo Meyer, MD
Research Assistant

Loudrick Lahaie
B.Sc. Candidate
Selected publications
Gervais C, Boucher LP, Martinez-Villar G, Lee U, Duclos C. A scoping review for building a criticality-based conceptual framework of altered states of consciousness. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience. 2023;17:1085902.
Maschke C, Duclos C, Blain-Moraes S. Paradoxical markers of conscious levels: Effects of propofol on patients in disorders of consciousness. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 2022;16:992649.
Duclos C, Mahdid Y, Nadin D, Maschke C, Rokos A, Abour C, Badawy M, Létourneau J, Owen AM, Plourde G, Moraes S. Brain’s response to anesthesia predicts recovery in coma and disorders of consciousness. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2022;205(2):171-82.
Duclos C, Maschke C, Mahdid Y, Berkun K, Castanheira JDS, Tarnal V, et al. Differential classification of states of consciousness using envelope- and phase-based functional connectivity. Neuroimage. 2021:118171.
Duclos C*, Nadin D*, Mahdid Y, Tarnal V, Picton P, Vanini G, Golmirzaie G, Janke E, Avidan MS, Kelz MB, Mashour GA, Blain-Moraes S. Brain network motifs are markers of loss and recovery of consciousness. Scientific Reports. 2021;11(1):3892.
Duclos C, Norton L, Laforge G, Frantz A, Maschke C, Badawy M, Letourneau J, Slessarev M, Gofton T, Debicki D, Owen AM, Blain-Moraes S. Protocol for the prognostication of consciousness recovery following a brain injury. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 2020;14:582125.
Duclos C, Dumont M, Paquet J, Blais H, Van der Maren S, Menon DK, Bernard F, Gosselin N. Sleep-wake disturbances in hospitalized patients with traumatic brain injury: association with brain trauma but not with an abnormal melatonin circadian rhythm. SLEEP. 2020;43(1):1-8. doi:10.1093/sleep/zsz191
Duclos C, Dumont M, Arbour C, Paquet J, Blais H, Menon DK, De Beaumont L, Bernard F, Gosselin N. Parallel recovery of consciousness and sleep in acute traumatic brain injury. Neurology. 2017;88(3):268-275.